(Mic. 7:18) 
By Ruth Holmes 

Do you need a word of encouragement today? Do you need to hear something that will make you "jump for joy?" Then meditate upon this verse. "As for the saints who are on the earth, They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight" (Psa. 16:3). Think of that!! You are the "excellent ones" and all His delight is in you!! What a statement, what a blessing, what a joy to know that our God, the holy God, delights in us. He has even given us two names to remember so that we will not forget our relationship to Him. They are Hephzibah and Beulah; they mean, "My delight is in her and your land shall be married." You are a crown of glory in His hand; He rejoices over you as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride (Isa. 62:3-5).

Oh, how we need to think on these words to lift our spirits day by day as we go out into a world full of evil, pain and misery. As you pray, you may have much sorrow in your heart. but always remember that your Lord delights in your prayer. He will deliver you from all your enemies because He delights in you (Prov. 15:8, Psa. 18:19).

Why does He delight so much in us? Certainly not because we are so loving, so kind, so gracious all the time. No, it is because we are His, and He delights in mercy (Mic. 7:18).

Oh Christian, if God, who is so holy, can delight in us who are still so sinful in many ways, surely we should want to be like our Lord and show this evil world some of His glory.

The first words from the cross were, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Why did He say them? because He delighted in mercy!

Oh, that we would seek grace every day from the Lord to be just like Him - to delight in showing mercy. What a difference there would be in our homes, in our workplace, in our church, and in our daily lives.

The Lord has shown us what is good by His life lived in an evil world. Now let us do what is required by Him - "do justly, LOVE MERCY, and walk humbly with your God (Mic. 6:8).

Oh Lord, make us to LOVE MERCY. May we delight to do Your will as You delighted to do the will of Your Father even though it involved such terrible suffering (Psa. 40:8). Make us really be "a delightful land" (Mal. 3:12).