HIS EAR (Isa. 50:5)
by Ruth Holmes
It is the custom of our day for women, and even men, to have their ears pierced. They then put gold earrings, or precious jewels in them. Most do this just for adornment.
The piercing of ears has been done for thousands of years, and for many different reasons, some evil and some good. Let us look at just the good, the best, the piercing of the Lord's ear. May we all follow His example, giving up ourselves to have our ears pierced for the very same reasons.
Years ago when men were slaves there was a custom that if a man loved his master and wanted to stay with him forever, and not be set free (as he could have been after a certain period of time by God's law - Lev. 25:9-10), his master would bore a hole in his ear with an awl and he would serve him forever. This signified willing, loving, obedience. This is where the expression "give ear" came from.
The prophetical passage in Isa. 50:4-6 speaks of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had a tongue of the learned, His ear was awakened morning by morning every day of His life to hear the word of God, and willingly and lovingly, He obeyed it. He was never rebellious. He did not turn away from any suffering, but yielded to the will of His Father.
Let us serve as our Lord served. Let us give Him our ears to pierce, to mark forever, showing our loving obedience to Him by fulfilling His word day by day.
Let us ask Him, morning by morning, to awaken our ears so that we may hear His voice, enabling us to do His will even if it requires suffering. He is our Shepherd. He will lead us as He led David, beside the still waters, and make us to lie down in green pastures; He is always faithful and righteous (Psa. 23:2-3, 80:1, 143:1).
Oh Lord, awaken our ears, and enable us to give them to You; we would have no other Master, no other Shepherd!