by Ruth Holmes
The Lord had a place that His Father raised Him up to, after His death.
It is a place of supreme honor, glory, and authority. It is a place where
He is seated at the right hand of God, in sovereign power, ruling over
all things in heaven and in earth (Eph. 1:20).
To this place, He has already in His mind, raised His
bride, His people, to sit together with Him in heavenly places (Eph. 2:4-6).
Oh, what quiet, what rest, this should bring to our souls in the midst
of such a turmoil as there is in our world.
Sometimes we feel as though we are being beaten by the winds of a hurricane.
We are torn and tossed around without power to help ourselves. Let us remember
that there is always an "eye" in every hurricane. Let us remember also,
that it is the Lord that has made the hurricane for His own wise and good
Let us seek that "Eye" and find the calm and peace that is always there.
The Lord says, "Be still, and know that I am God " – your God (Psa. 46:10).
There is great power in the center of the eye of the hurricane, and
that "Eye" is always on you. His "Eye" is always on the sparrow
and not one of them falls to the ground apart from the Father’s will. You
are of more value to Him than many sparrows (Matt. 10:29-31).
Sit in this heavenly place with the Lord and watch Him quietly, and
surely, destroy all His enemies, and yours (Acts 2:34-35), and be at peace.
Lay aside the weight that is wearing you down, and look unto Jesus, the
Author and Finisher of your faith; He is on the throne. Consider
Him, and you will have great peace (Heb. 12:1-3).
Dear reader, you who are still separated from the Lord; you who have
not received Him as your Lord and your God; run to Him today and ask Him
to save you so that in the day of judgment it will not have to be said
of you that there was found no place for you (Rev. 20:11).