HIS SONG (Ps. 42:6-8) 
By Ruth Holmes 

This is written with the prayer that it will be of some help to all those that are going through difficult times. May the God of all grace, the God of all mercy, your God (if you are a Christian), now give me grace to help you sing songs in the night, songs that will lift your spirits and fill you with joy, with hope and with comfort, because God is YOUR GOD. 

The Psalmist writes, "O my God, my soul is cast down within me." MY GOD. What a statement! Who would dare to say to the Creator of heaven and earth, the Majesty of heaven, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords -- MY GOD? 

How can I, how can you, a sinner, be so bold? By what right? By covenant -- the covenant of grace. 

Therefore we will remember Him - we will remember all the times He has helped us in the past. We will remember that He is the Sovereign Lord and that the waves and billows that wash over us are His waves and His billows. He has sent them. He has directed them. They are only meant to wash us clean. He has commanded His lovingkindness in the daytime, yet it seems to us a very dark night. 

We must realize that He is only teaching us to sing, to sing His Song in the night. What is HIS SONG? It is the song that He sang on the darkest night of His life, the song He sang in the Garden of Gethsemane when He said in prayer, "Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done." This was the prayer to the God of His life. It is as a song in the ears of God. 

Let us sing THIS SONG, HIS SONG, to the God of our life, let us bless Him with our whole heart and our whole soul as He has promised to do for us in His covenant (Jer. 32:41).